View Profile HybrisHybrid
enter, exist, evolve, expire.

Age 37, Male

computer tech

i am not a scholar

united states of whateva

Joined on 3/11/07

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It occurred to me that I sound like pretentious asshole when I write reviews for people. As an aspiring artist myself, its very hard to write an honest review and not sound like an douche. For those of you who may have thoughts on this, let me make my statement.

On Newgrounds, a 10 doesn't have to have a picture of Hamilton on it to make it currency. I see people handing out two sentenced reviews with no justification in the text. Simply, "Dat song was tYYTE!! Review my tracks!" is all they write, then that is returned with a vote of the same number and a review expressing the same orthographical disability on a random track that probably wasn't even heard all the way through.

Well, I don't play that game. If you vote 10 on one of my tracks (God knows why you would do that) then there is no extra incentive for me to go and vote 10 on yours; it doesn't not put me in debt to you, sorry. I will, however, write a review for one of your tracks or flash. I don't see the point in artificially boosting yours and my ego, all I want is good honest advice. I'm not saying leave me a essay or a paragraph review, just something truthful that I can use.

Thanks to those of you who already share this idea.