Great beat
Absolutely beautiful piece. Your music so far has not only impressed me but surprised me as it seemed to come out of no where and has very little of the attention it deserves.
I hope thats some real guitar work by you and not some sly disguise to fool my ears. Either way it sounds pretty damn amazing and gets my respect.
What killed it is your use of overuse of FL presets. Do correct me if I'm wrong but some of the sounds seem much too familiar, ie the scratch, choir, and most of the drum loops. There is nothing wrong with using these but I hear them on every ten NewGrounds submissions and they get old fast. Try searching for some new sounds and design your own beats. Splice one of the presets at least the very least, you know?
Also a little recommendation - loop it. I think I tell this to everyone, but this song seems particularly repetitive. Let me clarify, by repetitive I don't mean it gets boring, I mean the song itself is really long but for no reason. You could have easily made a small loop that goes on forever and sounds relatively the same, rather than making a short song that ends abruptly. I realize its a Hip-Hop song and perhaps the intent is to provide a beat for vocalization, but this is NewGrounds, keep in mind. People could use this in their flashes and it would sound awesome if not for the fact that they'd have to go through the trouble of looping it themselves. It's just something to keep in mind before you post your next track.
Good luck with your future tracks, I'd love to review them right now but I tend to repeat myself too much when I do that, so consider what I've said in this review. However, I am recommending you for the Underdog List on the NewGrounds forums in hopes to stir you some attention. The address is
Check it out, and I'll be sure to stop by again myself. -HybrisHybrid